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Drain Flies

What is Drain Flies?

Drain flies commonly known as small flies' / Moth flies or Sewage flies. These flies are commonly developing around drains or sewers.

Drain Flies

Where do they breed & feed upon?

Drain flies emerging from floor drains are good indicator that the drains have not been used for a while. Drain flies are also associated with sewage water treatments plants. These flies are primarily associated with drains, gelatinous build up around drains, septic tanks, moist compost or dirty garbage containers, bathrooms etc.

Treatment Options

  • Spot application with set of services
  • Nontoxic method - Drainoscopy


Mosquitos are members of a family of nematocerid flies. Typically, Mosquito goes in 4 different stages of the life cycle: - Egg, Larva, Pupa & Adult. There are 4 common groups of mosquitoes living in the Bay Area namely they are Ades, Anopheles, Culex & Culiesta


Where do they breed & feed upon?

Different Mosquitos breed in different areas Ades species at man-made containers with clean water & they are day bitters. Anopheles species at environment range from mountains to coastal area & Culex species at in drains, septic tanks, oxidation ponds, both these species are night bitters.

Treatment Options

  • Residual Larval treatment
  • Inside Residual spray services
  • Fogging (Mist Blowing & Thermal Fogging)


Termites commonly known as White ants. There are three types of termites in India. Dry wood Termite, Subterranean Termite, Formasan Termite.


Where do they breed & feed upon?

Termite derive their nutrition from wood, wood products, leaves, bark & grass other material containing cellulose. Termite require protein as well as carbohydrate in their diet, and this is usually supplied by the fungi that decay wood and vegetation

Treatment Options

Treatment options are different in different stage of premise / property. Two categories are there which differentiate the treatment procedures

  • Pre Construction
  • Post Construction

Bed Bug

What is Bed Bug?

Bedbugs are parasitic insects of the cimicid family that feed exclusively on blood. Cimex lectularius, the common bed bug, is the best known as it prefers to feed on human blood although other Cimex species specialise to other animals.


Where do they breed & feed upon?

Bedbug's don't just appear spontaneously in home or apartment. They cannot fly, so most of the time, people move bed bugs from place to place.

Bedbugs are generally active only at nights, with a peak attack period about an hour before dawn. Attracted by warmth and presence of carbon dioxide. After feeding for about five minutes, the bug returns to its hiding place.

Treatment Options

  • Spot application with set of services
  • Nontoxic method - Vacuuming and Heat treatment

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